建筑产品-马来西亚 (CIDB 认证)Malaysia (CIDB Certification)
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一、背景介绍 1). 


Background 马来西亚 CIDB 是马来西亚建筑工业发展局,它是马来西亚建筑行业的政府主管部门,负责建 筑行业的 资质认证和监管。CIDB(马来西亚建筑行业发展管理局)作为马来西亚建筑行业的政 府主管部门,在行业内具有极高的权威性和影响力。除了负责施工单位的管理和工程验收,CIDB 还承担着建材钢铁产品质量认证的重要职责。CIDB 为了确保建筑行业的质量安全,所有需要强 制认证的建材和钢铁产品在进入马来西亚市场前,必须取得 CIDB 颁发的符合标准证明书 (PPS) 以及入口许可证(COA) 。该证书的颁发基于对申请公司的综合实力、在施项目、属地员工占比 及专业持证率、政府规定专业课程结业率等进行全面评估。 Malaysia CIDB is the Malaysia Construction Industry Development Board, which is the government authority for the construction industry in Malaysia and is responsible for the qualification and regulation of the construction industry. CIDB (Malaysia Construction Industry Development Board), as the government authority of the construction industry in Malaysia, has high authority and influence in the industry. In addition to the management of the construction unit and the acceptance of the project, CIDB also assumes the important responsibility for the quality certification of building materials and steel products. In order to ensure the quality and safety of the construction industry, all building materials and steel products requiring compulsory certification must obtain the standard certificate of conformity (PPS) and entry permit (COA) issued by CIDB before entering the Malaysian market.The certificate is issued based on the comprehensive evaluation of the applicant company's comprehensive strength, projects in operation, the proportion of local employees and professional certificate holding rate, the completion rate of government-mandated professional courses.

根据 520 号法案的建筑材料

马来西亚建筑业发展局 (CIDB) 第 520 号法案修正案中强调的第二点是遵守已设定的建筑材料标准。修正案中的一项规定是建筑材料必须符合某些强制性标准。目标是确保符合马来西亚标准并避免使用不合格产品。但是,并非所有建筑材料都属于强制执行范围。这使得 CIDB 成为监控和执行市场上建筑材料的政府机构之一。



目前,马来西亚皇家海关根据 1967 年海关法通过 1998 年海关(禁止进口)令禁止进口不符合 CIDB 设定标准的建筑材料。但是,此规定不适用于本地生产的建筑材料。由于这两个不同的标准,这项修正案对于防止马来西亚通过对进口和本地商品提供不同的待遇来违反世界贸易组织 (WTO) 协议非常重要。

所有受第 520 号法案修正案监管质量的建筑材料均列于附表 4 中。任何人被发现使用附表4中规定的建筑材料,而没有获得CIDB的质量认证,一经定罪,可被处以不少于10,000令吉但不超过500,000令吉的罚款。

二、产品范围 2). Product Scope 1.铝制产品 Aluminum products 2.绝缘材料与产品 Insulation materials and products 3.瓷砖 Ceramic tiles 4.玻璃 Glass 5.不含石棉的纤维水泥平板 Asbestos-free fiber cement plate 6.预制钢筋水泥结构 Prefabricated reinforced concrete structure 7.预拌钢筋水泥 Ready-mixed steel and cement 8.洋灰 Putty 9.工业化建筑系统 Industrial building system 10.陶瓷管及管件 Ceramic pipes and fittings 11.卫浴产品 Bathroom products 12.钢铁产品 Steel products 13.辐射屏障(隔热箔)Radiation Barrier (thermal foil) 附:

产品所对应的 HS 编码的前 4 位或前 6 位在下表之中,则产品是在管控内,则需要 CIDB 认证, 否则不需要做 CIDB 认证

Bahan-bahan pembinaan berikut perlu disahkan dengan COA oleh CIDB:

 1Ceramic Products

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic Pipe and Pipe Fittings


MS ISO 13006

MS 1061, PART 1:1999


6907.10 100, 6907.90 100

6906.00 000

 2SanitarywaresMS 147/ MS 1522/ MS 7956010.10 900, 6010.10 200,
3922.90 110
 3Iron and Steel Products

4*Flat fibre casting sheets, not containing asbestos
Roofing material, surface, lock flooring and tile partition wall containing plastic ceiling & others

MS 1296


6811.82 100
6811.82 200
6811.82 900


a)Portland cement
i.White Portland cement, various type
ii. Other Portland cement
b)Hydraulic cementi.Aluminate cement
ii. Other hydraulic cement

MS 898
MS EN197


2523.21 000
2523.29 100. 2523.29 900.
2523.30 000

2523.90 000
2523.90 000

6*Insulation materials

Glass wool, rock wool & mineral wool


MS 1020
MS 1020



6806.10 000
7019.90 100

7Radiant barrier (thermal foil insulation) MS 2095 7607.20 100
8*Float glass

Clear glass
Dark glass
Mirror glass
Wired glass


MS 1135
MS 1135
MS 2397
MS 1498


7005.29 900
7005.21 900
7005.10 900
7005.30 000

Aluminium slab, sheet and strip, and others(example: aluminium composite)
Aluminium foil width 0.2mm and below

MS 2040: 2007


MS 1848 : 2005


7606.11 000, 7606.12 000,

7606.91 000, 7606.92 000

7607.11 000

7607.19 000

三、认证流程 3).Certification Process 



③文件审批 (Document approval

④审批(Examine and approved

⑤抽样测试(Sample test


⑦签发证书(Issue a certificate) 

⑧实时更新(Real-time update)

四、证书样本 4) .Certification Sample



